Substance abuse and dependency looks different for everyone. There are many reasons why substance use starts and why abuse occurs. Recovery is most successful when all the needs of an individual are met and addressed. An important part of beginning the journey to recovery is learning more about it. 

What is substance abuse and dependency?

Clinical Methods define substance abuse as an “…excessive use of a drug in a way that is detrimental to self, society, or both. This definition includes both physical dependence and psychological dependence.”

The signs of substance abuse and dependency:

  • Having a high tolerance for the substance.
  • Needing increased amounts of the substance to feel its effects.
  • Feelings of withdrawal when there’s a decrease or stop in the usage of the substance.
  • Spending a lot of time to get a hold of and use the substance.
  • Not being able to fully function without using the substance.
  • Withdrawing from social interaction, responsibilities, and personal relationships.
  • Continuing the usage of the substance despite the physical, psychological, or social issues being caused by it.

What are the causes?

There are many factors that contribute to substance abuse and dependency. This ranges from environmental factors, societal factors, and genetics. Sometimes substance abuse starts off as a way of curiosity or even a way of coping. Then repeated use of the substance causes an increased tolerance resulting in a substance use disorder and addiction.

Other factors that may lead to substance abuse:

  • Genetic history of addiction
  • Chronic physical pain
  • Financial troubles
  • Traumatic event
  • Lack of stability in childhood 
  • Physical or emotional abuse 
  • Mental health struggles
  • Relationship issues, and more.

Finding treatment and help.

There are many ways to find help, which are all key to maintaining recovery. The success rate of recovery is higher when finding help and stable support. 

A few of these are:

  • Finding treatment such as rehabilitation
  • Preventing relapse through therapy and programs
  • Finding community and stability

The Dream Center believes that community accountability plays an important role when it comes to recovery. Research has even revealed that individuals that have access to support groups are less likely to relapse after treatment. To maintain sobriety, it is important to have a solid community and support system. 

Our Discipleship Recovery Program is a one-year residency that helps and supports men and women who are overcoming drug and alcohol addictions. This program is structured in a way to provide stability and eliminate distractions. Food, housing, education, and mentorship, are all provided free of charge by the Dream Center. This way participants can fully focus on their journey of recovery. 

The Dream Center’s Connections Program is available to provide additional support to those who have graduated from the Discipleship Program. This close community and accountability allows each person to grow spiritually and socially. Again, food, housing, education, and mentorship are all provided by the Dream Center. We provide the tools to maintain an addiction-free living. 

With work, community, and love, recovery is very much possible. The journey to recovery is not one that has to be done alone. Click here to learn more about our residential programs.