Women’s Month is an annual acknowledgement where Women’s historical and powerful contributions to the world are celebrated! Los Angeles is home to many female-led nonprofits, programs, and organizations, and we want to highlight some of the women who use their power to uplift others.  

AngelLa Nazarian of Visionary Women

Angella Nazarian is the co-founder of Visionary Women, a non-profit community that supports organizations and programs that empower women. Their funding focuses on education, health, homelessness, the arts, and human rights. With the help of Visionary Women, The Downtown Women’s Center “was able to provide the technology, training materials, curriculum and workshops for financial literacy training and resources to over 350 women in their learning center.” Their overall aim is to support and provide women with a path to success and confidence. 

ALyssa Rizo of NLBWA-LA

Alyssa Rizo is the president of The National Latina Business Women Association. NLBWA aims to provide Latina’s with networking opportunities, education to strengthen their business skills and personal development. It was founded by “Latina entrepreneurs and corporate professionals who realized their own need for mentors and educational programs to scale their businesses and careers.” They inspire women with hands-on tools, business skills, and networking opportunities to better their future. Today, NLBWA has hundreds of female members and has expanded all across Los Angeles County.

Shirley raines of Beauty 2 the Streetz

Shirley Raines is the founder of Beauty 2 The Streetz, one of LA’s female-led nonprofits that provides necessities for the houseless community on Skid Row. She does so with love and compassion. She and her team strive to “[provide] necessities alongside the things that make us feel inherently human: a hot shower, a hearty meal, the hope-inducing feeling of looking in the mirror and loving what you see.” Beauty 2 The Streetz brings all forms of beauty to the lives of others. Today, she and her team reach and empower hundreds of people weekly. 

Jennifer Schwab of Entity

Jennier Schwab is the founder and CEO of ENTITY, a women’s platform and mentorship program that aims to help women develop skills for their career and future. Through invaluable education, mentorship, and hands on training, ENTITY grants  women skills and opportunities. She is passionate about empowering women and works “to [prepare] women of all ages for in-demand careers.” The future is female and ENTITY ensures that. 

Caroline Barnett of The Dream Center

Caroline Barnett is the Executive Director of our very own Dream Center Foundation and leads alongside husband, Matthew Barnett. Our foundation provides community outreach programs and resources for those facing homelessness. One of the many programs the Dream Center offers is a two-month Emergency Shelter that provides all necessary emergency services, food, housing, and basic items to adult female victims of domestic abuse, addiction and human trafficking. This program aims to provide women with a safe space, where they are given stability and the tools to live a happy and healthy life. The Dream Center also has a Veterans residential program that equips male and female military veterans with life building skills, employment resources, and education in a positive and loving environment. 

Although Women’s Month is an annual event, these are values and actions that can be implemented into everyday life. Empower the women in your life by creating a safe and uplifting space for them. By supporting women, you are supporting humanity at large. With these female-led nonprofits, many women are provided the tools to better their lives. These women prove that with compassion, all things are possible. When women empower women, beautiful things happen.