It’s been an incredible journey over the past 30 years, and today, I want to share something truly inspiring that recently touched my heart. As I step into a new decade in my life, I look back at how all the series of events have been a testament to the unexpected twists and turns that God has in store for us.
Just a few days ago, I had the privilege of attending an exclusive pre-screening of the upcoming film “Ordinary Angels” at our very own Angelus Temple Church. Starring the remarkable Hilary Swank and Alan Ritchson, this movie promises to be a rollercoaster of emotions, leaving you laughing, crying, and most importantly, inspired. Based on a true story, it beautifully encapsulates the themes of courage, and overcoming obstacles, and, in many ways, mirrors the core principles we’ve upheld at the Dream Center for decades.
One of our guiding principles has always been, “Find a need and fill it, feel a hurt and heal it.” It’s a simple yet profound approach that has been the backbone of our mission. Watching “Ordinary Angels” reinforced the power of this mantra in my own life. The film portrays the transformative journey that unfolds when we say yes to helping someone in need, even if we don’t have all the answers from the start. Miracles happen, and lives are not just changed but saved.
Reflecting on my early days in Los Angeles, my original plan was to build up another great church in the city. However, fate had different plans for me. The heartbreak of witnessing a young man’s tragic death on our church steps shook me to my core. It was a wake-up call to the stark reality of the struggles people face – hunger, homelessness, addiction. I didn’t have all the solutions, but I knew I had to do something.

Setting up my desk on the sidewalk, I began engaging with the community, rallying support from fellow pastors, and hustling to provide food and funds. I couldn’t take no for an answer because the need was too urgent, and the hurting people of Los Angeles couldn’t wait. “Ordinary Angels” resonated with me because it beautifully captures the essence of just doing whatever it takes to help those in need.
I’ve never considered myself extraordinary or special. I was just an ordinary angel who heeded the call to help those in need. After three decades of working to feed, house, and transform lives in Los Angeles, I can confidently say that I have witnessed so many ordinary angels that have brought me the greatest joy in my life. From our frontline workers to the courageous men and women in recovery. From the beautiful families that live on our family floor to the wonderful individuals, we get to serve out on outreach daily!

I want to extend an invitation to all of you reading this. Mark your calendars for February 23rd, 2024, the day “Ordinary Angels” hits theaters nationwide. Get your tickets, spread the word to your family and friends, and let’s embark on a journey together to discover our inner angels. Imagine the impact we can collectively have on our cities, our country, and even our world if we all say yes and then figure out a way to help those in need.
Even if you feel like you don’t have all the answers or are grappling with your own struggles, remember that each one of us has the power to reach out and help someone in need. So, go ahead, and watch “Ordinary Angels.” I promise you’ll walk away encouraged, blessed, and inspired to be an ordinary angel in your own city and community.
Get your tickets here: https://ordinaryangels.movie/.